Emile joins us

We welcome Emile Theau to the group, a recent USyd Engineering graduate, who joins the ACWA team to complete the building of prototypes.

USYD academic team awarded substantial ARC Linkage Grant

A/Prof. Brian Hawkett, Prof. Chiara Neto, Prof. Greg Warr, were awarded an ARC Linkage project “Polymer nanofibres for advanced paint formulations” in collaboration with Dulux Australia. The team were awarded $471,900 over a period of 3 years.  This is one of only two Linkage grants awarded to USyd in the current round. Congratulations!

ACWA team won Bridge Hub Water Challenge 2020

Launched in February, the Bridge Hub 2020 Water Challenge aimed to uncover the best research, the most innovative ideas, and the best startups that positively impact water sustainability across our agrisystem. The global challenge attracted more than 150 researchers and entrepreneurs from Australia, New Zealand and Israel. The ACWA team has been named the winner …

Anthony Katselas joining us

Anthony Katselas is joinning the group to start his PhD after a year of work in the industry. Welcome Anthony, it’s great to have you back with us! Anthony will be working on the current ACWA project with Ming and Riccardo.

Sam handed in his thesis

Sam Peppou-Chapman handed in his PhD thesis on “Distribution and Depletion of Lubricant on Antifouling Liquid-Infused Surfaces” today. Well done! Sam joined Memjet as a MEMS scientist/engineer. Congratulations and best wishes for your new stage of career!

Alice Jeffery joining us

Alice Jeffery is joining the Neto group for her Daylell Scholar Program. Alice will be participating in the Sydney Nano grand challenge Advance Capture of Water from Atmosphere (ACWA) project, focusing on the study of water condensation onto surfaces. Welcome Alice!

Mammoth review published on Liquid-infused Surfaces

We are delighted our review on liquid-infused surfaces is now out on Chemical Society Reviews “Life and death of liquid-infused surfaces: a review on the choice, analysis and fate of the infused liquid layer” Well done Sam on putting together a mammoth review!