Dr. Alberto Giacomello is visiting our lab!

Professor C.Neto will host the visit of Dr. Alberto Giacomello, Associate Professor of Fluid Dynamics at Sapienza University and principal investigator of an ERC Starter grant. His research is in theoretical and computational fluid mechanics of interfaces at the micro- and nano-scale. He is keen on understanding the origin of metastability in engineering problems and …

Congradulations Dr Hong!

Jun Hong was awarded his PhD “Liquid-Infused Surfaces for Anti–Thrombogenic Cardiovascular Medical Devices” on the 5th of June. His intellect was further demonstrated during subsequent escape-room celebrations.

Dan Daniel visits the Neto Group

Dr Dan Daniel spent three weeks at the university of Sydney before starting his move from A*STAR to KAUST, where he worked with the Neto Group studying droplet wetting and lubricant infused surfaces with AFM and interferometry. Dan bought many invaluable insights to the group and introduced a handful of exciting new techniques for the …

The ACWA project becomes Dewpoint Ltd.

On the 22nd of August the dream of the ACWA project became a reality with the founding of Dewpoint. We look forward to the promise of passive atmospheric water capture being realised!

Geosmin Turpin joins the group

Geo starts her postdoc in the Neto group after the completion of her PhD under A/Prof. Rico Tabor at Monash University. She has continued to follow her interest in coatings, nanoscale topography and surface science in her current project, which is a partnership with Dulux looking at how nanofibers can be integrated into paint to …

Farewell Liwen!

We farewell Dr Liwen Zhu, who is leaving the University of Sydney to take up a position in industry. We wish you all the best for your next endeavours, Liwen.